Well this is what I got to know about my life when I looked back. I just wanted to tell you people that the professio0nal life is completely different (opposite in my case) from the student life. There are some of the changes I wanted to share with you which make you think how different professional life is.
It took me atleast a month to realize that I was a professional. Now I just came up with an idea to compare those two lives which I led/leading.
Here is the comparison of those two.
(STUDENT LIFE)Class starts at 10.00 but you leave home by 10.00
(PROFESSIONAL LIFE)Work starts at 10.00 however you will be in office by 9.45
(STUDENT LIFE)At night, wonder if anyone sleeps before 12.00
(PROFESSIONAL LIFE)Its 10.00 and the bed is calling you
(STUDENT LIFE)Be it class or outside, always think of having fun
(PROFESSIONAL LIFE)Work is the only fun, your wish to consider it or not but have no other option.
(STUDENT LIFE)Bunking class is which you do before thinking twice
(PROFESSIONAL LIFE)Bunking??? Don’t you dare to think about that in office
(STUDENT LIFE)Talking in English means He/she is showing off
(PROFESSIONAL LIFE)No use of knowing languages other than English
(STUDENT LIFE)Always depend on parents or friends to do anything
(PROFESSIONAL LIFE)Depend??? U’ll find no one to depend on. You are on your own to do everything
(STUDENT LIFE)Never miss to roam here and there after college time
(PROFESSIONAL LIFE)Hardly have energy after work to roam
(STUDENT LIFE)Never care about tests or exams. Anyway we will be having a night before those tests or exams
(PROFESSIONAL LIFE)Complete plan of what you will be doing to meet the deadline
(STUDENT LIFE)Nearly 90% of softwares in the PC are pirated including operating system
(PROFESSIONAL LIFE)It takes atleast a week to get a licensed version of MS Office because using pirated versions are illegal
(STUDENT LIFE)Enough time to cultivate different hobbies and try out new things
(PROFESSIONAL LIFE)Free time??? Are you kidding???
(STUDENT LIFE)Always updated about new movies and tech stuff
(PROFESSIONAL LIFE)Movie..? I’ve heard that somewhere…
(STUDENT LIFE)Cricket, football, tennis, F1, WWE……
(PROFESSIONAL LIFE)Oh I’m tired man who cares my favorite wins or not…
(STUDENT LIFE)Hangouts, long drives, parties, trips…
(PROFESSIONAL LIFE)Waiting for just one such chance since months
(STUDENT LIFE)Weekends was as good as any other day except on other days we ‘visited’ college
(PROFESSIONAL LIFE)Friday will be the most awaited day of the week since we have a weekend coming up next
These are some of the differences that are identified so far and still continuing to explore them... So looking all these I think I can justify my statement “Life in 180° out of Phase”. It means life it is going completely opposite to what it was. Hope I get used to this life as soon as possible but I still miss my student life and I know I can never get that back.